Category: Dog Care

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Preventing Dog Bites

Did you know that each year in the United States, around 4.5 million people are attacked by dogs? In fact, because not all bites are reported, that number could be … Read More »

Posted In Dog Care

Prevent a Litter Month

February frequently revolves around the unofficial theme of love, with Valentine’s Day heralding romantic gestures like flowers and candies in stores. Yet, for pets, the spotlight shifts to prevention: it’s … Read More »

Posted In Cat Care, Dog Care

Deaf Dog Care Tips

Today is National Fire Pup Day, which means that the Dalmatian is in the Spotlight. These pups are remarkable in many ways: they’re super smart, and have a special way … Read More »

Posted In Dog Care

Fido’s Vision

Blind Dog Day is coming up on August 23rd. While blindness isn’t the most common problem we see in our patients, it’s not exactly unusual, either. A local Bucks County, … Read More »

Posted In Dog Care

Obesity In Dogs

dog with brown fur

Did you know that over half of our canine pals are overweight? Fido’s love of food can be both cute and amusing. Unfortunately, it can also be detrimental to his … Read More »

Posted In Dog Care

Traveling With Fido

Are you planning to travel this summer? This is the perfect time of year for taking vacations. Whether you’re headed to a lake region, coast, woods, or mountains, or perhaps … Read More »

Posted In Dog Care
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