Did you know that February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month? This is one cause that is very important when it comes to promoting good animal welfare. Puppies and kittens may be adorable, but there are just far too many homeless pets out there already! A Bucks County, PA vet discusses spaying and neutering below.


As mentioned above, the main reason to get your furry friend fixed is to help fight pet overpopulation. However, that’s not the only reason! Your pet will also be calmer and better behaved after the operation. Fixed pets aren’t interested in running off in search of love, and they are generally much calmer and less aggressive than intact ones. They’ll also have reduced or even eliminated risks of developing some very serious medical issues, such as testicular cancer in males. Plus, if you have a cat, you won’t have to listen to Fluffy’s yodeling. (Trust us: this really would be reason enough in and of itself.)

The Procedure

The procedures for spaying and neutering are very safe and routine. Complications are quite rare, though not entirely unheard of. The process is a bit more involved for females, of course, so they need more time to recover than males. Pets are generally recovered within a week or two, with the first few days being the most crucial. Your vet will give you specific after care instructions. Follow these to the letter! Aside from that, just give your furry pal a comfy resting area, peace and quiet, and lots of TLC as they recuperate.


One thing many people may be unsure of is when to get your pets fixed. The traditional thinking is that it’s best to get it done before pets reach sexual maturity. It used to be standard practice to fix puppies and kittens as young as 9 weeks, though it’s becoming more common for veterinarians to perform the procedure later. Ask your vet for specific advice. It’s worth noting that adult pets can still safely be fixed. Don’t worry if your furball is all grown up: it’s not too late!


Has your pet already been fixed? If so, that’s great. You can still help other pets, however. One thing you can do is support charities that help fix feral cats.

Do you need to schedule spay/neuter surgery? Contact us, your local Bucks County, PA veterinary clinic, today!